The Truth About Letting Go by Leigh Talbert Moore
Series: The Truth #2
Publisher: All Night Reads
Source: Netgalley
ISBN: 9781482660395
Release Date: March 2, 2013
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Ashley Lockett has always followed the rules. She's always done the right thing and played it safe until her ideal life is shattered when her dad dies suddenly.
Fueled by anger and grief, she vows to do everything opposite of how she lived before. Then she meets Jordan. He has big dreams, he's had a crush on Ashley for years, and he's a great kisser. But he's also safe.
Enter Colt. He is not safe, and he's more than willing to help Ashley fulfill her vow.

Ashley Lockett has recently lost her father due to cancer. She is alone in her grief. Her brother is away at college, acting like nothing happened, and her mother has buried herself in work, barely speaking to her daughter. Realizing playing it safe has not gotten her anywhere she decides to rebel.
I didn't love this book, but I also didn't hate it. I just found it somewhere in the middle.
I think the biggest problem I had with the book was Ashey. Why do Ashleys always have to be mean? They give a bad rap to our name. Ashley was kind of bitch and shallow. With Jordan, I didn't like that she had to make him more presentable before she would even consider talking to him in public. Here was a great guy who only wanted to protect her and help her through her grief, but she rebuffs him and goes to the jerk who attempts wrestling/rape because that's what he thinks girls want.
Jordan wants to keep me safe, to help me get through this. But I don't want to be safe. Safe is a lie. The safest person on the planet can still choke to death or trip over their dog or get cancer. I don't want that. Dreams and callings get you nowhere, and when you need them most, they disappear.
I do wish her relationship with Charlotte was expanded more because I actually enjoyed those parts. Charlotte was bitter and angry at Ashley for having a perfect life and Ashley was too shallow to think about anyone but herself. They could have become great friends if they had the chance to talk more instead of just bits and pieces.
I also like how Ashley was having difficulties with her faith. She lost her father and now she doesn't think she believes in God anymore. This was completely realistic to me. When you lose someone you are bound to be conflicted with your faith.
Overall, The Truth About Letting Go was mediocre for me. Perhaps if I connected to the characters more I would have like the book better, but that was not the case.