This week’s topic is Top Ten Books I would love to made into movies or TV Shows. (Of course, this is in a perfect world that doesn't butcher the books).

I think Unwind would make a great movie. It has action, comedy, romance. Plus it is one of my favourite books of 2013.

Okay, this is a bit of cheating because it already is being made into a movie, but I just love this book so much and can't wait for the movie!

I think Attachments would make a great rom-com. Why isn't this a movie yet?

I envision Poison as a Disney or Pixar cartoon. It would be great as it is slightly different as the main character isn't the princess and Kyra is the one trying to kill the princess.

If You Find Me was a heartbreaking novel and would make a great TV series.

This book was super creepy. Not so much scary in the boo like sense, but it will still keep you up at night.

Sexy aliens. Need I say more?