Heritage by S.M. Boyce
Series: The Grimoire Saga #3
Publisher: Caffeinated Books Publishing
Source: Author
Release Date: November 5, 2013
Pages: 249
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Kara Magari isn’t normal, even by Ourea’s standards—and in a world of shape-shifters and soul stealers, that’s saying something. To the royalty, she’s a loose cannon. To the masses, she’s a failure. But Kara’s arrival in Ourea started a war, and she’s going to end it.
An ancient isen named Stone takes an interest in Kara’s training, and it turns out he has more answers than he originally led her to believe. In an effort to unearth a secret that might end the bloodshed, Kara instead discovers an ugly truth about her family—and how much she has in common with an infamous mass-murderer.
Braeden Drakonin has slowly rebuilt his life after the betrayal that tore it apart. His father wants him dead, and frankly, his so-called allies wouldn’t mind that either. Private alliances are formed. Secrets are sold. Tension is driving the armies apart. A single battle will end this war, and it’s coming. Braeden may be a prince, but it will take more than that to survive. He must take the fight to his father’s door—and win.

Everything that I may have had a problem with in Treason went out the window with Heritage. I LOVED Heritage. Right from the start it hooked it claws into me and I was drawn right into the story.
Heritage picks up right after Treason. Kara and Braeden are once again apart, but somehow it works where in the last book it just frustrated me. Kara is training in the Vagabond village with Stone, an ancient isen, and we finally meet the Vagabonds that Twin made and see how they react to her secret. While Kara is away, Braeden is plotting the attack on the Stele and doing reconnaissance missions to prep for the war. I think why their separation worked in this book compared to the last is that both have their goals and know what they needed to accomplish before they could reunited with each other.
Stone, an ancient Isen, was the perfect trainer for Kara. He pushed and pushed her for her own good. At times she despised him, but he knew the kind of power that she holds and didn’t want her to become her grandfather, Agneon. Stone wanted Kara to learn from her family’s mistakes.
Kara cursed under her breath. Her mentor threw a brick through her window to wake her up. That dramatic son of a –
Stone takes her to her grandfather’s home to relive Agneon’s memories. This was definitely a turning point with Kara. Kara saw both the destruction and guilt Agneon faced and the happy memories. After that she knew she had to be able to control her power, so Kara learned to trust Stone and devoted herself to her training. Kara definitely kicked some serious ass in this book. She was scary taking on Carden. Even he feared her, which made the battle in Kirelm so intense!
Braeden contemplates a lot during this book about his future with Kara. And Oh. My. Gosh. It is adorable. I loved seeing him sweat and get all nervous, because that is not the Braeden we have all come to know and love. Right? Every time he thinks is the right time to ask Kara he worries that asking for forever will only push her away. But when the proposal finally happens! Eeek!! It was adorable messy and perfect.