Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is things we are thankful for. My list is a combination of bookish and non-bookish things that I'm thankful for. So it no particular order:
- The Library. I love the library and I'm thankful that mine hasn't had cut hours or closed like a lot of others. I love going there and it saves me tons of money on books each year.
- Hootesuite. Hootesuite lets me tweet out what I need to without having to be at my computer all day.
- My followers! I am always thankful for each and every follower I have. I don't know if I would still be blogging if they weren't there.
- Google. Google just makes my life easier. Everytime I want to do something to my blog, but I don't know how I know Google will help me find the answer.
- Other bloggers. I really love being a part of the book blogging community. The people are so nice and welcoming.
- My family. My family is very supportive and they are the ones who encouraged me to read at such a young age.
- My e-reader. I don't know what I would do without it. I'm always reading while in transit to my job, so it makes my commute so much better.
- My job. I really love my job. Over the years it has allowed me to learn new skills (like graphic design!)
- Books. Obviously I wouldn't have this blog if it weren't for books. Books take you to another world each time and I love them to pieces.