Dare You To by Katie McGarry
Series: Pushing The Limits #2
Source: Netgalley
Release Date: May 28, 2013
Beth’s the bad girl that no-one wanted, not even parents.
Ryan’s the high school hero that everyone wants a piece of – even if no-one knows the real him.
Their paths should never have crossed – now they’re each other’s only life line.
If anyone knew the truth about Beth Risk’s mum they’d send her mother to jail. So seventeen year old Beth protects her mum at all costs. Until the day she can’t. Suddenly sent to live with her uncle in a small town Beth’s now stuck with an aunt who doesn’t want her, and at a school that doesn’t get her. At all. Except for the one guy who shouldn’t go anywhere near a girl like Beth. . . .
Ryan Stone is gorgeous, a popular jock and the town golden boy—with secrets he can’t tell anyone. Even his friends. As Ryan and Beth dare to let each other in, they’re treading on dangerous ground – and the consequences could change their worlds forever.

I really enjoyed this book. I haven't read the first book in this series, so I didn't really have a lot to connect with Noah and Isaiah. I liked how Beth slowly opened up to people in her new life. She was tough, but vulnerable at the same time. Even in the end she didn't lose herself and become someone fake. She was just a better version of herself.
Beth did not have an easy life. Her mother is either strung out on drugs, drunk, or being beaten by her douche-bag boyfriend. Beth's mother is the opposite of what a good mother should be. What kind of mother would allow her teenage daughter to take the fall for her and be arrested? Or let her boyfriend beat up her daughter? A really shitty one. That's who. The only thing that frustrated me in this book was that Beth wouldn't let go of her mother. But she had to overcome that and the guilt she felt about her father leaving her mother. No matter how many times Beth found her mother drunk, she would help her home, clean her up, make sure she had food, and that her bills were paid.
You could tell her Uncle Scott was really trying. He wasn't perfect, but he was working with what he had.
Usually, I don't like split POVs, as I find they disrupt the flow of the book. In Dare You To the story is written in both Beth and Ryan's points of view. The author wrote the split very seamlessly and it almost added to the storytelling.
As I stated I did enjoy this book, but I couldn't give it four stars. It was definitely a solid three star book.