May was a pretty busy month for me. I worked a ton of hours and started a night class as well, but that didn't stop me from finding time to read (what would stop me?) But I just ended up reading and staying up too late, so I was super sleepy the next day.
1. Bout of Books 7.0. This was my first Bout of Books challenge that I participated in. I didn't meet my goal, but I did enjoy the books I had the chance to finish. I didn't really have any excuses why I didn't read more as I was on vacation for a few days. Next time I definitely want to participate in the Twitter chats as I didn't have a chance to do that this time.
2. Clean Sweep ARC Challenge. I finished 7 2/3 ARCs. But I still have so many to go!
- Where You Can Find Me by Sherri Jones
- Pretty Monsters by Andrea Speed (Josh of the Damned #1)
- Peek-a-Book by Andrea Speed (Josh of the Damned #2)
- Lichgates by S.M. Boyce (Grimoire Saga #1)
- How My Summer Went Up In Flames by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski
- After The Ending by Lindsey Fairleigh & Lindsey Pogue (After The Ending #1)
- Wait For You by J. Lynn (Wait For You #1)
- In The After by Demitria Lunetta
- The Forever of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen (The Secret #1)

I really liked this challenged as it motivated me to get reading those ARCs! I ended up reading almost exclusively ARCs this month. I think I will continue to try and read more of them that are on my list, but mix it up with other non-ARC books.
3. I didn't realize how many books I got through. For the most part there were some really great reads. I think my favourites were Lichgates, After The Ending, and Into The After. I really struggled to get through Where You Can Find Me, but eventually finished it.
- Breathe by Sarah Crossan (Breathe #1)
- Where You Can Find Me by Sherri Jones
- The New World by Patrick Ness ( Chaos Walking #0.5)
- Pretty Monsters by Andrea Speed (Josh of the Damned #1)
- Peek-a-Book by Andrea Speed (Josh of the Damned #2)
- Lichgates by S.M. Boyce (Grimoire Saga #1)
- How My Summer Went Up In Flames by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski
- After The Ending by Lindsey Fairleigh & Lindsey Pogue (After The Ending #1)
- Poison by Bridget Zinn
- City of Bones by Cassandra Clare (The Mortal Instruments #1)
- Wait For You by J. Lynn (Wait For You #1)
- In The After by Demitria Lunetta
- The Forever of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen (The Secret #1)

How was everyone else's month? What books did you complete?