Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
Publisher: Atria Books
Source: Bought
ISBN: 9781476743554
Release Date: May 7, 2013
Pages: 406
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Sometimes discovering the truth can leave you more hopeless than believing the lies. In this #1 New York Times bestselling novel by Colleen Hoover, author of Slammed and Point of Retreat, Sky meets Dean Holder, a guy with a reputation that rivals her own. Holder has the ability to invoke feelings in Sky she's never had before. In just one encounter he leaves her terrified yet captivated and something about him brings up a rush of memories from the past that she’s worked so hard to bury away.
Sky knows Holder is nothing but trouble and tries to keep him at a distance, but he is adamant about learning everything he can about her. Sky finally caves to his unwavering pursuit, but she soon finds out that Holder isn't the person he's been claiming to be. When the secrets he's been keeping are finally revealed, every single facet of Sky's life changes forever.

Hopeless took me by complete surprise and engulfed me in the story. The prologue blew me away. I needed more and couldn't put the book down. This was one of my late night just a "few" more pages reads. I just couldn't stop reading I needed to know what happened next. It was beautifully written and ripped my emotions to shreds along the way.
I loved Sky. She was real. She wasn't flighty or weak. She was strong and brave. She was weary of happily-ever afters and believed in real endings.
It's real, Six. You can't get mad at a real ending. Some of them are ugly. It's the fake happily-ever-afters that should piss you off.
The amount of stuff that she goes through in the novel was crazy, and in such a short time period too. Sky had this innate ability to let the mean girls' insults roll off her back. When the bitchy clique girls filled her locker with dollar bills I was cheering for her to pocket the money and flip them off. And did!
Holder was her downfall at some points. She knew he was intense and didn't know if she could trust him. After Six, Sky's best friend tells her that Holder apparently went to juvi for beating up a boy that was gay, Sky still lusts after him. This is questionable of her judgment and Holder as a person. Luckily, Holder completely redeems himself and the rumor was greatly exaggerated.
Dean Holder was a mystery for most of the book. He was intense, scary, sweet, funny, a bit of everything. Sometimes you didn't know what you would get next from him.
I hate that I can't read him. Most people are easy to read. They're simple. Holder is all kinds of confusing and complicated.
Holder confused and excited Sky at the same time. But when she needed him, he was there. Supporting and protecting her.
The last half of the book I read in one sitting. I couldn't put it down. Everything that I thought I knew in the book changed so quickly. It took me for surprise after surprise. The prologue is a chapter later in the book and with more information it comes across in an entirely different context. I just did not see the reveal coming or what happened afterwards. There were parts where I was just stunned and I had to stop reading and breathe in order to comprehend what just happened.
I do wish Six was in the book more as her friendship with Sky was so strong. They had such a solid relationship, but she had to go through her journey alone and it wouldn't have been them same if Six was there.